Saturday, June 30, 2007

Paddy fields now Fading fields

Kudallur, as any other village in Kerala, got a vast change during 1990’s. The most interesting thing is the village had its old families and their ancestry houses (tharavadu) in the valley of hills, adjacent to the end of paddy fields. During that time every rich family had a heap of hay (Vykkkolkoona) in front of their houses. It was considered as the sign of wealth and prosperity. The old people say this koonas had a major role in determining the fate of marriage proposals ie. the height of the heap was a successful indicator of prosperity of a family. Simply, the amount of paddy field in possession was a cause of dignity during the time.
Now, what’s the picture here? The panoramic view of the paddy fields is affected by big two- three storied concrete houses. A large amount of fields was filled or leveled for building purpose. Construction of new roads made the situation more badly than ever. More the road constructed more house were built, on the both sides of roads.
Alas! The green blanket has been going slowly.

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